Drupal templates are .html.twig files that are stored in a “templates” folder in your theme. You don’t have to do anything to register them. If they are in the templates folder Drupal will use them (after you clear the cache). The best way to understand a template file and the syntax used is to look […]
By default, if you haven’t specified any regions (which we haven’t yet) Drupal will give you all the default in-built regions. To see them all go to Structure > Block Layout. If you want to keep things simple, as I do, you can provide Drupal with a list of the regions you want to use. […]
Create a folder called “css” in your theme folder. Then save a file called style.css inside that folder. Add a simple style in that file. I’m going to start with this: Save your style.css and upload the whole css folder into your theme on the server. Now you need to add the following to your […]
The first thing to do is register the theme you are going to create and then set it to the default theme. First create a folder for your theme on your computer. Give it the name of your theme. I’m going to call mine “simplicity” Then with Notepad, or whatever text editor you use, save […]
We have a basic blog now but the blog posts are uncategorized. It would help users (and Search Engine Optimization) if we could assign each post to a specific category. What we have to do is add a Category option that you can pick from when adding a new Article. We first need to go […]
Now that we have a basic Home page and can add other basic pages to the site, it’s time to add a Blog section to the site, or you can call it a News section if that suits your site better than Blog. For my purposes I will be calling it a blog for the […]
Now that we have a home page, we should add some more pages. I’m going to add an “About” page. Adding a page is just the same as adding the Home page. Click on “Content” in the Admin Bar, or click “Add content” under “Tools” in the left sidebar. Once again you get the choice […]
The website I want to develop with Drupal is something that I can hopefully use as template for future work for clients. A client may already have a Drupal site, they may insist on using Drupal as they have heard good things about it, or they may want to stay away from WordPress as they […]
First off, I don’t have my own personal server. That’s a future project. I already have a hi-spec PC that I was allowed to keep when I was made redundant from my old job. Until I set it up as a personal server I continue to develop on the web and just discourage search engines […]
I’ve used WordPress to build a lot of websites. This website is a WordPress website. I feel that it’s time to learn several new Content Management Systems (CMS), especially as I’m developing a web design and development business out of what started as a hobby. We are currently facing a global pandemic and the United […]
A post to test form elements. Forms Legend Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Nullam dignissim convallis est. Quisque aliquam. Donec faucibus. Nunc iaculis suscipit dui. Nam sit amet sem. Aliquam libero nisi, imperdiet at, tincidunt nec, gravida vehicula, nisl. Praesent mattis, massa quis luctus fermentum, turpis mi volutpat justo, eu volutpat enim […]
refresh. This is just to test how a gallery works with links to attachments.
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