The website I want to develop with Drupal is something that I can hopefully use as template for future work for clients. A client may already have a Drupal site, they may insist on using Drupal as they have heard good things about it, or they may want to stay away from WordPress as they have heard some bad things about it.
Whatever, I’m not building a blog site. If I was, the home page would be the latest blog posts. However, I want a static page for my home page plus the option to pull in selected blog posts to keep it dynamic.
Firstly, in the Admin bar, click on Content, and then click the “+ Add Content Button”. You are given a choice of creating an Article or a Basic Page. Articles are blog posts (or news items). I want a Basic Page for the home page.
I called it Home, added some content and gave it the URL alias /home. All URL aliases must start with a forward slash. If you forget, you’ll get a warning, so it’s no biggie.
When you save it your page will be at the URL We want it at
The next step is to click on “Configuration” in the Admin bar. In the “System” box you will see “Basic site settings”. Click on that.
In the “FRONT PAGE” box change “/node” to “/home” (or whatever you used for your page’s URL alias.
Once you save the change your page will appear at Strangely it also still exists at That’s something I’ll need to look into. But at least we now have a basic home page.
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