We have a basic blog now but the blog posts are uncategorized. It would help users (and Search Engine Optimization) if we could assign each post to a specific category.
What we have to do is add a Category option that you can pick from when adding a new Article.
We first need to go to Structure > Taxonomy. You will already see “Tags” under Vocabulary name.
Click the “+Add Vocabulary” button, then add the Name “Category” and a Description along the lines of “Use to categorise articles in the blog”. Once you save you will see Category under Vocabulary name.
You can then add Categories by clicking “List terms” and “+Add term”. Add as many Categories as you think you will need. You can always add more at a later date.
All you do is name the category and give it a description. You can create sub-categories by creating a “Parent term” under “Relations”.
Once you have added your categories we want a way to choose from them when posting an Article.
Go to Structure > Content Types and then click “Manage Fields”. You will see the fields that already appear on the Article page. Click “+Add field”. Under “Add a new field” you should select “Taxonomy term” and name it “Category”.
After saving you are then given the option to limit the number of Categories that can be selected. I think a blog post should have a single category. I think, if you want a post to appear in several different lists you should use tags. But it’s up to you.
On the next page, all you have to do is tick the “Category” box under “Vocabulary” and then save.
Finally we need to determine how the Categories are to chosen on the Article page. In the tabs at the top of the “Manage Fields” click “Manage form display”. On that page find “Category” and choose how you want to choose your category, or categories, for your article.
And that should be that. Now when you add an Article you will be able to assign one of your pre-set categories to it. When you view a post on your site you will see the Category listed at the bottom of the page. You can fix this by going to Structure > Content types and on Article, instead of choosing “Manage Fields” chose “Manage display”. You can then move Category to between the body text of the Article and the tags.
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